Playing the bigger games in life...

Sonam Arya

Profession: Image Consultant
Contact: 9711990595
Project Description:
"Pursuit of Happiness" is a campaign to bring meaning and smile to a thousands of lives. We wish to spread happiness amongst under privileged children. Every child deserves to really experience their childhood but sadly not everyone can afford it. We work to spread awareness about their holistic needs and also actually organize fun filled activities for these children to bring joy to them. Our first event is going to be held on 14th of November, Children's Day. We will be taking 140 children from a School for Under privileged children to Adventure Island, Noida so that they can have a fun filled day and celebrate life as a child would. We plan to make their dreams come true :). We believe that "Happiness is not a privilege".

What I got out of SELP:
SELP has given me the power to create what I want to in my life powerfully rather than be disempowered by what goes wrong. Every action of mine can result in a new possibility is what I have realised here. I also realised how I had restricted myself in my own world thinking that x y z was not possible. Now, I believe that I can make whatever I want in my life, really happen by just being committed to it. It was my attachment to things that was obstructing me from getting the results I wanted. SELP has definitely given me a fresh perspective on my capabilities, my life and the possibilities around me. I believe... therefore I am. :)

My Future Plans:
I plan to take my project to a new height. I want to make such activities for under privileged children happen on an ongoing basis. A continuous structure is what is to be gotton in place for this project to survive and help us achieve our objective of happyness reaching out to millions of children. These children are just waiting for life to reach out to them and we will definitely be the one's to ensure it happens. After all its "pursuit of happiness".


"Sonam, a very sweet and dainty girl with full of vigor, often comes up with such clear interpretations / perspectives during the sharings."

- Pooja Verma

"A very sweet person and a true friend and a person whom you can rely on for everything ... Thanks for being there always."

- Nidhia Gupta

"Got to know her very recently while she poured herself out in one of those one-to-one sharing, What lies beneath a hard face, no-nonsense looks is a very soft, bubbly, restless bird waiting to break away from the cage and fly, sing, dance and celebrate all together. She gifted this innovative idea of "testimonials", a wonderful way of acknowledging and empowering people around us. Great going Sonam, we all love you."

- Dinesh Batra

"Sonam is a cheerful, expressive and very helpful personality. And fully hot too... (I’m being fully self-expressed!). She has the ability to provide truly insightful and inspirational ideas and solutions. She has undoubtedly taken on a role of a leader in all areas of her life. I am convinced that she will live out her possibilities to the fullest extent."

- Arjun Khosla

"Hats off to your dedication to make our SELP a memorable one."

- Ankur Raina

"Brilliant on being unstoppable in causing that home introduction rather than being resigned and cynical on no one being there as promised. Way to go!!!!"

- Karan Hari

"She has been one of the Talking Duals (the other being Nidhia) of our community. She is a person who is very polite makes sure that the other person is at ease while in communication. The valuable and true feedback that you give is really one of the traits of your personality. Take care and have fun!!!"

- Ragav Yadav

"This is a girl who seemed to be totally comfortable with all in her life, as though she was here to just see what more there is to life. Struggled a little to jump out of her comfort zone, but now that she has, she can see how powerful she is. It's truly amazing to see her play full on and truly get what she was here for. I really acknowledge her for her determination for the same."

- Dhruv Varma

"Your sharings meant a lot to me. You helped me in applying learnings from performance triangle distinction during the 'landlord' episode. You gave me access to many of my blind spots in relating to things and responding to them. I acknowledge you for your initiative to help Shivaji find the distinctions right. I wish you all glory and peace!"

- Prabhakar Tiwari

"Last evening call, it was fantastic, mind blowing. Made me realise, that by no means am i a survivor,rather a winner... In fact, survival does not exist any more in my dictionary. I realised that all my life, I have never acknowledged myself, thought lesser of myself, and hence saw the rest of the world around me to be the same... Hence wasn't connecting with the world around me. So, come on world, I'm here to face you.. Throw anything at me, and you can count your stars!!! Thanks a lot Sonam. And also supporting me in identifying that we always have time for other things, if i can take out 3 hours consistently of my life for Landmark every week, I easily can have at least 3 (no, 6 or more) for other stuff which i really wanted to do... weekly... no, daily... Thanks for this huge breakthrough..."

- Shivaji Dutta Choudhary

"Hummm. A fighter to the core!! (in the positive way :D ) Your commitment to cause a breakthrough in your life has propelled you into being your possibility all the time. Have seen a great transformation in you during this program. I Believe you have the power to deal with anything in your life and you are just starting to feel and recognize that power. A true go getter, you have been extremely coachable and thanks to you, I have been able to cause breakthroughs in my life too. I acknowledge you Sonam for being the committed, unstoppable person who is always a stand for the other to get what he or she wants. And I acknowledge you for creating that amazing breakthrough in your HILF and going beyond all your stops."

- Japinder

"Thanks for this wonderful gift and for following with all of us with so much patience and making this happen. Good luck for all your endeavors. Maybe you always be smiling and creating smiles whereever you go."

- Sowmya Reddy

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